The St. Margaret’s Cup
The St. Margaret’s Cup 2025

Following the success of the inaugural St. Margaret’s Cup in June 2024, a two day tournament is planned for August 2025.

The Inaugural St. Margaret’s Cup 2024

On Saturday 8th June 2024, for the first time in its 105 year history, St. Margaret’s B.C. hosted its own tournament. The inaugural St. Margaret’s Cup was a six hour, one day event played over seven courts at Whitgift School’s Sports and Conference Centre, Haling Park, South Croydon. The event was managed by the tournament secretaries, Gareth Hogan & Lewis Couch, and the Tournament Committee. Guests came from St. George’s University B.C., London Women’s B.C., Goslings B.C., London East B.C., and Feathers B.C. (Banbury).

The design of the tournament logo incorporates the club shield, the Choong Cup, and the Crown of St. Margaret – a symbol associated with the St. Margaret’s cricket, football and badminton clubs since 1910.

Some photos of the event are here.

The medallists for the inaugural St. Margaret’s Cup:

Mixed Doubles A
Gold – Emma Chan & Drew Gibbs
Silver – Hannah Benison & David Murray
Bronze – Christina Cheong & Will Logan

Mixed Doubles B
Gold – Ciara Barry & George O’Rourke
Silver – Sarah Witts & Mahbub Hassan
Bronze – Joyce Henderson (London Women’s B.C.) & Ryan Hacker

Mixed Doubles C
Gold – Vonne Hammerstone & Nigel Warner
Silver – Marie Kaune & Chris Celio
Bronze – Sarah Kelly & Ed Dudley-Warde

Ladies’ Doubles A
Gold – Emma Chan & Christina Cheong
Silver – Ciara Barry & Hannah Benison
Bronze – Alice Gardner (Feathers B.C., Banbury) & Sam Dornan

Ladies’ Doubles B
Gold – Joyce Henderson & Jess Hurd (London Women’s B.C.)
Silver – Amrita Ramanathan & Carmen Yip
Bronze – Izzy Kain & Sarah Witts
Men’s Doubles A – The Choong Cup

Gold – Theo Brooks & David Murray
Silver – Drew Gibbs & Will Logan
Bronze – Oliver Christie & Neeraj Panwar

Men’s Doubles B
Gold – Ryosuke Mikashima & Matt Towner (Goslings B.C.)

Silver – Barney Medhurst & Rob Waddell
Bronze – Alex Blake & George O’Rourke

Men’s Singles A
Gold – Harvey Newiss

Silver – Neeraj Panwar
Bronze – Alex Blake

Men’s Singles B
Gold – Jonny Betteridge

Silver – Steve Kay (London East B.C.)
Bronze – Chris Celio

The Choong Cup

The Choong Cup is a vintage silver trophy, donated to the club for the St. Margaret’s Cup. It was presented originally for men’s doubles at the Isle of Wight Badminton Championships from 1954-1962.

The Cup is named for the brothers David E.L. (1929-2011) and Eddy E.J. Choong (1931-2013), who dominated the sport with skill and panache as part of the 1950s Asian wave. At the 1956 All England, Eddy refused to attend the celebration dinner having been racially discriminated against by the organisers. On another occasion, Jørn Skaarup of Denmark conceded a match to Choong, acknowledging that the Malaysian had been treated unfairly. Skaarup earned Choong’s respect and friendship with his fair play. The Choong Cup is awarded to the winning men’s doubles pair at grade A, and symbolises excellence and fair play.